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High Tech Fun tournament

During the Youth Olympiad on the High Tech Campus we organized a tournament together with Frits Schalij from ESV and also a High Tech Campus worker. The idea was to have a rapid tournament with ASML employees and High Tech Campus workers to show what these local great minds can do :). The KNSB had helped out with lending us the material and providing us with the location and some prizes in kind. Thanks to Frans Peeters we have some nice pictures as well, which can be found here.

Having the tournament on August 16th in the middle of the summer holiday was a bit of a challenge but in the end we had 41 participants, where the player field was stronger than expected and was ranging from beginners to a FIDE master.

We played 5 rounds, which cost most of us some sweat and tears (I didn't see any blood), after which we could crown Thijs Laarhoven (FM) the winner of the first HTC rapid tournament. Next to that we also had a rating price for the best performing player with a rating under 1750. This price went to Marcel Pelgrom with a score of 4 out of 5.

The full ranking can be found below:

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